Wednesday, March 12, 2008


impossibility of representation

I'm still thinking of Dance Project of Un captif amoureux.
Art is similar to being beside of the dead. To express something is similar to walk beside of the dead. I re-read Quatre heures a Chatila by Jean Genet last night.
We know the impossibility to representation after 20th century. To express is similar to love. We know that it's impossible. But even we know that, we try to love someone. Marguerite Duras said that we can bring up love in impossibility of it.
We cannot to represent about Scar. It's very difficult to share with the others. Even for a person, it's difficult to describe about any experiences in the Fact by her/himself. Palestine is a big bloody scar in our current time for us. It doesn't seems to have scab in the near future. We feel hollow. Hollow invites indifference. We pretend to not see the face of the dead.


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